Will arrive late the day before, so eat and sleep :-). And will Monday go into Spain to San Sebastian on the north coast.
What did we do and see
After a quiet and very rainy morning we left after lunch. It was a short but very nice stay with some of my best friends. I met them over 20 years ago, when we conducted a European sonography eLearning project). The second time they asked me to stay with them instead of taking a hotel. Since then have been there many times and even met them in Rome, but also at my houses in the Netherlands.
The drive was 2 hours in pouring rain and only the last hour a bit better.
I took toll roads and the first toll was by ticket, but all others (on the same road) were done electronically. I could not do anything, I could not even leave before the electronic gate. Hm … let’s see what that will get me ..,
The camping was perfect (except for numerous flies). Great atmosphere, nice management and perfect stout beer.
Great spot, perfect little camping with nice atmosphere. Bar/Restaurant is open until 22.00, so most guests eat and drink out!